Nurture Your Nature: Yarn Bombing with London Kaye

Dear Tina,

How are you? I have been bundled up indoors, dreaming of spring and filling my well of inspiration. I've been binge listening to podcasts in my studio and have really been enjoying Squam Art Workshops, "Morning on the Dock" series hosted by Elizabeth Duvivier. I met Elizabeth many years ago while volunteering at Squam (such a magical place!). Her warm, kind spirit emanates in her soothing voice and lovely demeanor. She creates an enchanting dialog with her guests which celebrates the curiosity of the artist's soul. I never tire of listening to stories of people following their true calling. There is magic in seeing their paths light up before them, often in unexpected and extraordinary ways. Listening to these stories calls me back to a deep place of trust within myself.

"Putting art into the world makes the world a better place." ~London Kaye

London Kaye is one of the artists from the podcast that I thought you might enjoy, along with a few short videos featuring her work (I especially loved her community project in the second video). Her work reminded me of all the street art you saw while on your trip to Germany.  In your letter you wrote how "small acts together = great change" and I believe this to be true on so many levels. With so much going on in our country and in the world right now I am even more conscious of what I choose to listen to, share and create. Everything we do and say is so important! It has momentum and we get to choose which direction we want to put our thoughts and energy towards.

I want to invite conversations around kind, loving acts, creativity, beauty and friendship. I want to celebrate individualism, freedom and love because this is what I want more of in the world.

London crochets her work onto fences, water hydrants, telephone booths, bill boards, trees and even in the subway. They are so unexpected and fun!

She creates them with the intention of drawing people into the present moment and bringing a little joy to their day.

I believe joy is the answer to creating a happier world.

Imagine if everyone took even a brief moment to look around them and find even the tiniest bit of joy each day. There is so much to appreciate: the clouds moving in the sky, the faces of people standing in line at the grocery store, the sun and moon shining bright,  and the way the way the birds sing their sweet little songs.

London's work reminded me of when I was studying & experimenting with Guerrilla Art in grad school. This art form opened up a whole new world to me.

I spent months writing uplifting messages on rocks and shells, leaving them on park benches and the beach for people to find. This felt so exciting to me. It lifts my spirit just thinking about it now. I always wondered who would find them, hoping it would make their day a little more special . Makes me want to do something like this again just for the FUN of it. Maybe I will!

My mom and I happened to see some "yarn bombings" on a bunch of palm trees outside a bagel shop on our trip to  Aruba (see above photos). SO FUN!

May you find the magic and joy in this day ☀️



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Collaborative Art: Lotus & Heron


L2T Book Club: Gloria Steinem "My Life on the Road"