Nurture Your Nature: The Power of Positivity & Collaboration

Dear Tina,

As we start off the new year I thought I would share this beautiful video and inspiring interview with two delightful souls: Dr. Terry Kennedy, a meditation teacher, and Tao Porchon-Lynch a yoga instructor.

They travel the world together, collaborating and touching the lives of women across the globe. They consider themselves "spiritual soulmates" which is often how I think of us. Terry talks about being drawn to Tao "like a magnet" when their eyes met at a yoga class they were in together.

Tao said to Terry, "I want to know you" and they have been friends ever since. It reminded me of how we met all those years ago at Goddard College. I saw you from across the room at our orientation and can still picture you with your long curly hair, red Keen sandals, and the backpack that contained all your belongings for the ten-day residency (still unbelievable to me how light you packed!). I knew in that moment I wanted to be your friend and we have been ever since.

You continue to widen my perspective and open my eyes to new ways of seeing and being which I am forever grateful. By the way, going along with my desire to never put limiting beliefs on my age I thought I would share that TAO is 98 years old! She started practicing yoga in 1926 when it wasn't a common practice for girls to do yoga and is the world’s oldest yoga teacher. Isn't that awesome?

"True yoga, once felt within ourselves, radiates the essence of living. It's much more than the physical practice. Students can develop outward and inward beauty and shine from their bodies and souls."

~Tao Porchon-Lynch

"I share what I know to be true. I don’t want to simply share thoughts from other people. Within me I found and recognized the oneness (wholesomeness, unification) through nature. That is the real power that governs the inner self. It’s important to tune into that energy that is in you and surrounds you. Listen and you will find the answers. Watch Nature and you will be inspired."

~Tao Porchon-Lynch

I appreciate these quotes so much, especially as I strive to continuously go to a deeper place with my artwork. This requires the "inner work" Tao mentions.

Happy New Year my friend!

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Mindfulness: Laura's "One Little Word" 2017


Collaborative Art: "The Collective" Gold Leaf and Zinnia