Collaborative Art: Vision/ReVision Revisited With Tina's Exhibition

redux2016-3Dear Laura,

I have the honor to exhibit my artwork at Redux Contemporary Art Center in the Conolly Gallery this month through November 19th.  Above is the outside of the facility dedicated to the lovely Clementa C. Pinckney, who died in the shootings at Mother Emanuel A.M.E. Church in Charleston. Our city still hasn't fully recovered from such a loss, however it is heartening to see we keep reminders around town.

I have the luck of exhibiting alongside one of my favorite artists, Lisa Shimko.  Her work is in the main gallery and won the Griffith Reyburn Award: a competitive annual prize administered by the Coastal Community Foundation for a visual artist “during the creation of a work of art that reflects or depicts “the look and feel” of the Lowcountry.”  It's awesome to know people are supporting  artists who are hard at work in our community.

Included in my exhibit are two of our Vision/ReVision works of art.redux2016-2

You can find links to our conversation HERE and HERE.  Nice to see them out for the public to view!  Below is a picture of the whole exhibit.  Now it's time to get back to the studio and continue creating work in this series.  I hope my local peeps have a chance to see both exhibits!  Fun fact: Lisa was my studio mate at Redux for several years.  We worked across the hall from one another!


About the work:

Nature is all that connects us physically and emotionally. There is a divide we set as humans to be separate from “nature” in order to provide shelter and comfort, however this divide has become dangerously vast as we see natural resources dwindling. Our comforts have removed us from the very thing that sustains us. Gary Snyder, the poet, has it correct when he writes “there is no nature, we are nature”. My process of assembling found objects and meditative drawing investigates detachment and connectedness with our nature in a fast-paced world.



Nurture Your Nature: A Wild Love for the World


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