Happy NEW Year!
“Blessed is the Season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of LOVE”
~ Hamilton Wright Mabie
Dear Tina,
I feel like I have been in a bit of a fog the past few months, not really myself but striving to be "the best version of myself". The holidays were different this year without my brother. I found myself with a really heavy heart and not knowing what to do about it. Seeing my parents so upset was even more humbling. I wish I was there to give them a big hug every day and let them know everything was going to be all right. I know in my heart it will be~ it will just be a different "all right".
This experience has made me even more compassionate to anyone going through their own rough time right now. I think it is especially hard at the holidays when every song seems to have a memory attached to it. My heart is so big and open right now.
"Your success and happiness lies in you.
Resolve to keep happy,
and your joy and you shall form
an invincible host against difficulties."
~Helen Keller
I could easily let my mind take me to a dark place but the brighter part of my spirit wants to shine. I need to allow room for that. I am making time for meditation most days, writing more and making sure I take the time for my gratitude journal. On a side note I came across the 5 minute journal which I gifted to some people for Christmas. Having kept a gratitude journal for years I know the power it holds in keeping things positive and appreciating the good. I Iike how this one went a little deeper and broke things down into morning and evening reflection.
I am grateful for.... (3-5 things, I write 5)
What would make today great?
Daily Affirmations. I am...
3 Amazing things that happened to me today
How could I have made today better?
Everyone has five minutes a day, right? I believe it is especially important to focus on your blessings when you are feeling down. This practice has seriously changed my perspective and outlook so many times. I feel off in my life when I am not making time for this.
I am also looking forward to re-evaluating and prioritizing things. I will be setting new goals both personally and professionally and have a few ideas for my WORD this year but haven't committed.
Are you in with your WORD Tina?
I have some new ideas to work out in the studio and feel a little tender still. I apologize again that I haven't finished my ReVision 118. Yours was SO awesome! It is so close, yet I haven't been able to find the space to complete it. This is in part from the time/preparation from my (Open Studio which I have more to share with you), home projects, and travel to both Florida and NH for the holidays. I will get there, so expect good things!
If I were to wish for anything, I should not wish for wealth & power, but for the passionate sense of the potential for the eye which, ever young & ardent, sees the POSSIBLE, pleasure disappoints, POSSIBILITY NEVER, and what wine is so Sparking, what so Fragrant, what so INTOXICATING as POSSIBILITY!
~Soren Kierkegaard
I want to thank you and everyone who has supported our work together all of these years. May you find peace and joy in the new year.
Look for moments of wanderlust, magic and grace.
They are everywhere when you open your eyes to them.