The Collective: abstract painting, summer flowers and color inspiration


Dear Tina,I loved reading your last letter. Yes, I agree, drawing is a really good way to slow down and  "see".  Creating little flower posies and viewing them through the lens of my camera is one of the ways I "see".  It's become a large part of my creative process and a meditative practice for me.Walking around my garden and seeing what's in bloom ignites something in soul that I cannot explain.  I see endless combinations of colors and textures and my heart literally expands from this visual orchestra.I recently revisited Georgia O'Keeffe's work to share with one of my students and this quote really struck a chord with me:

I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way - things I had no words for.

~Georgia O'Keeffe

This is how I have been feeling lately with my own work. I have such a deep appreciation and reverence for the beauty in our natural world that I cannot express with words. My latest painting is an attempt to share what is in my heart.




The Collective: Tina's Maple Leaves & Abstraction


Glass Sculpture, Gardens, & the Biltmore