Book Exchange: A New Year (Tina)

Dear Laura,

It’s a new year!  I picked up the gold color in your last piece of art as inspiration for this piece.  I envisioned a simple gold circle surrounded by various textures. The gold reminds me of all the hope people send into the world this time of year. I added 2 silver dots on the lower left and 3 on the upper right to represent the year ‘23.  The torn white paper adds a texture to the piece to complement the smooth gold circle.  These layers represent the work ahead necessary to make those hopes a reality.  

A fresh start is always a wonderful feeling. While I don’t make resolutions this time of year, I do use this time to reflect on the previous year.  It has been a very good year! I prefer to make my resolutions, hopes, and plans at the beginning of my teaching year in August.  For me, resolutions that time of year usually stick.  I know you use the beginning of the calendar year to verbalize resolutions, changes to your life, and plans for the months ahead.  Tell me more about it when we talk next.



Tina Hirsig

I am a mixed-media artist living in Charleston, South Carolina.  My work is a reflection of the encounters I have in nature. 


Book Exchange: Values (Laura)


Book Exchange: Laura’s Seascape