The Collective : Laura's Circle of Feathers & Wholeness

Dear Tina,

How are you my friend? I've been reading our journal and thinking about the different themes in our work~nature, feathers, landscapes, connection. I wonder if we, like most are simply trying to find wholeness and figure out where we fit in this big, expansive world.

I've been thinking about Mary Oliver's recent passing and how much I appreciate the quiet, simple beauty of her writing. Did you ever listen to her interview with Krista Tippett on On Being a few years back? If you didn't I know you will love it.

That interview left such an impression on me. It was refreshing to hear how much she and those around her understood that she needed time to herself to create. Her community truly valued her work as a writer and took the time she spent in nature seriously. As you know, a huge part of being an artist is having time to think, reflect and just "be". I'm craving more time like this right now.

As we start the new year and another year of our collaboration this quote came to mind....

"I want to think again of dangerous and noble things.
I want to be light and frolicsome.
I want to be improbable beautiful and afraid of nothing,
as though I had wings." 

~Mary Oliver

I used the feathers from your last piece (which I loved by the way! You do such wonderful things with resin) and made it into a circle mandala. Mandalas represent unity and harmony and circles represent wholeness to me. They are also meditative, whimsical and fun to make. I'm craving a little more adventure and fun in my life and have a strong desire to be "light and frolicsome" like Mary wrote.

Hope you are having the most lovely day!


“Each person’s life is like a mandala – a vast, limitless circle. We stand in the center of our own circle, and everything we see hear and think forms the mandala of our life.”

~Pema Chodron

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The Collective: Tina's Gold Circle


The Collective: Tina's Feather Maps