Mindfulness: Making room in your life for adventure & inspired thought


Dear Tina,

Thank you for reminding me of Mary Oliver's poetry in your last letter! I perused  my bookshelves for her book, "House of Light" and found a quiet spot to immerse myself into her beautiful world. This poem, The Gift jumped out at me.

The Gift

I wanted to thank the mockingbird for the vigor of his song. Every day he sang from the rim of the field, while I picked blueberries or just idled in the sun. Every day he came fluttering by to show me, and why not, the white blossoms in this wings. So one day I went there with a machine, and played some songs of Mahler. The mockingbird stopped singing, he came close and seemed to listen. Now when I go down to the field, a little Mahler spills through the sputters of his song. How happy I am, lounging in the light, listening as the music floats by! And I give thanks also for my mind, that thought of giving a gift. And mostly I’m grateful that I take this world so seriously.

~Mary Oliver

I love the line, "and I give thanks also for my mind, that thought of giving a gift." It shows such grace in appreciation of the thoughts and ideas that come to us. I love when I am open to receiving them and would call them inspired thoughts.  I believe they come to us every day. We just need to allow them in. When we do they act like northern stars, gently guiding us in awareness to the beauty, magic and serendipity in our lives.IMG_0392Savoring the poem you shared in your last letter made me want to read more of Mary Oliver's poetry. In doing so I was reminded of the deep sense of connection to place that we share. I remembered an interview with Mary Oliver on Krista Tippett's  On Being podcast that I had fallen in love with some time ago. I pulled out my photos of Provincetown where Mary Oliver lived for much of her life. I had visited there for the first time last fall and allowed myself to step back in time, mesmerized by the feeling of adventure and being somewhere new.P-town.collage.blog

I love being led by clues of joy!

IMG_0383More and more I am opening myself up to inspired thought, "allowing" myself to be led by emotions of joyThis isn't always easy, especially when crabby thoughts seep in and take over. My meditation practice  helps me quiet unwanted thoughts. I just finished the latest Oprah & Deepak Chopra's 21 Day Meditation Experience on becoming "Unstuck" which I loved. I always get something out of each of their experiences. They always give me wisdom to ponder and in doing so I feel more connected to myself and the world around me. Sending presence & joy your way...



p.s. I really loved seeing the article written about you in Charleston Magazine!!! So proud of you!!!

p.s.s. Click here to see what I have been tending to this summer :)



Collaborative Art: Collective August 2016


Nurture Your Nature: Poets Who Take My Breath Away