Tend to your life: Laura's word for 2016


"The most spiritual and powerful aspect of human nature is our faculty of attention, Consciousness. Attention is what allows us to see ourselves, and so within others, in order to learn how we can elegantly approach anything, everything."

~Elena Brower & Erica Jango

Dear Tina,

Yes, to Ali Edwards for our "One Little Word" tradition! Last year my word was FLOURISH. This word manifested itself in ways I hadn't imagined, starting with the decision to join B-School. B-School continues to inspire me and has given me so many insights and ideas I continue to implement. I have learned the importance of planning and creating systems which are needed to flourish and now have even greater clarity in how I wish to shape my life.


My word for 2016 is TEND

"to listen & pay attention,

to cultivate and foster, 

to apply oneself,

to serve and to await."

I chose an action word to help motivate me with both the fun (vacation, party planning, painting) and "less than fun areas" of my life (bookkeeping, inventory & my tidying project ~which I am actually finding surprisingly fun!). I know even the smallest step each day in each area of focus will bring me clarity and lead me toward a less stressful, organized, peaceful, joy-filled life.

 Here is to a wonderful year for all of us!


LauraSignaturep.s. We would love to know if you picked a word for 2016. If so, share it with us in the comments below so we can honor and celebrate it! :)p.s.s. I have some big news about my studio which you can learn more about here


An Honest Critique Of Our Work...


Tina's One Little Word 2016: Draw