What the heck is a Manifesto?

Hello there!Have you ever taken the time to think about what you are most passionate about and turned it into a declarative statement?  There are things you know for sure are true about life such as "one good friend makes all the difference" or "chocolate is a great cure for a bad day".

Anyone, at any age, in any profession can do this. These statements come from our experiences.  Our choices for having these experiences are driven by our passions, values, and generally fumbling along. We learn what is good for us and what we need to steer clear from.  We do this by messing things up and trying again, taking with us bits of wisdom.  These bits of wisdom can become a manifesto.

We have crafted a manifesto for our collaborative work.  It is a rambling of wisdom we have learned together in our corner of the internet. While we have put this together this over the past several weeks, it culminates our two lifetime's of following a path with an open heart, our successes our failures, and trying again. It is good to stop and note what has been learned.  And then to shout it out!

Screen Shot 2015-06-29 at 8.38.46 AM

Our manifesto comes along with a megaphone graphic.  You will read more about why we choose this in our next post along with THE manifesto.

We are working on some of our own illustrations of megaphones, but in the meantime isn't this illustrator awesome? Her name is Lauren Mortimer. It would be funny to walk around town with this on our heads and shout out our manifesto.  Ha!

Laura&Tinaps. Images of vintage photos above are from google- credits are sparse :)  


Our Manifesto!


Taking a Stand Through Art...From Charleston to Berlin