The Collective: A Touch of Blue

Dear Tina,How are you my friend? My garden is starting to come to life and I am the happiest girl, flooded with inspiration from all the lush color. Winter is WAY too long here in CT! I have been going to a lot of going to plant sales and gardens centers, filling my pots with fresh new flowers. My favorite plant sale is the one in Ledyard that you went to with me while you were visiting a few years ago.Every year I lie to myself saying I am not going to buy as many new plants but I ALWAYS do. I just cannot resist!I have been sketching outside every chance I get. Blind contour drawings are still my favorite kind of drawing. They are so freeing. Because I have no expectation for how they will look I am able to slow down and focus on all of the intricacies of each flower's form.  I am so appreciative of each and every one.I decided to challenge myself by limiting my palette after I saw how you simplified the color in my crazy bright flamingo painting in your last drawing for The Collective. I added a touch of gold as a nod to the gold in your drawing of the heron. I ended up with a simple contour line drawing of this flower.

Here's the finished piece! Hope your garden is alive with color :)



L2T Book Club: Talking Circles with Gloria Steinem


Collaboration: The Collective So Far...Spring 2017