How To Be Creative Laura & Readers,I thought you would like this video about creativity.  It hits on the central piece of our work together (our essential questions for this website) about trusting, collaborating, and simply showing up and doing the WORK rather than creativity being something that some are born with and some are not.   Let me know what you think after you watch it.IMG_3878I enjoyed our visit to Washington D.C. together this past week.  I needed that time as a reminder that I am on the right path continuing to make and share my work.  Using creativity can sometimes feel like a fruitless endeavor, so to be reminded it is the most important thing we can do as humans was good timing. I am looking forward to the coming conversations about the work we saw together and ideas we are stewing on.  TinaSignature 


Incubating ideas and transforming the studio


Spiritual & Physical Beauty: ReVision 120 (in progress w/laura)